The Ladies Room - Living Corriere della Sera

CARING IS SHARING — for Living Corriere della Sera

The Ladies' Room collective creates a special Christmas table mise en place, commissioned by the magazine Living Corriere Della Sera.
We named this concept CARING IS SHARING because collaboration is the cornerstone of our team work. On the occasion of the holidays, it is even more beautiful to share everything, despite the formalities: no seats assigned, dishes that pass from hand to hand, ideas and laughter. The comparison, as in our work, does not exclude a bit of healthy fun.

It wouldn't be a party without a colorful, welcoming and messy table, just like it is during our meetings. We prepared this set design the objects designed together - a ceramic centerpiece with copper handles, fused glass glasses and backsplashes - and each of us added some objects of our personal collections, having fun mixing styles.

Year — 2019
The Ladies' Room collective — Sara Ricciardi, Astrid Luglio, Ilaria Bianchi & Agustina Bottoni.
Photo — Laura Baiardini